
An utility to parse CSV/TSV files to check that all the records have the same size. Multiline records are supported using double quotes as field delimiter. Gzipped files are also supported.


  A program inspect TSV and CSV files, that must contain more
  than 1 column.
  Double quotes are considered field delimiters, if present.
  Gzipped files are supported natively.

  fu-tabcheck [options] <FILE>...

    -s --separator CHAR   Character separating the values, 'tab' for tab and 'auto'
                          to try tab or commas [default: auto]
    -c --comment CHAR     Comment/Header char [default: #]
    --verbose             Enable verbose mode


Tabular output has these columns:

  • File name
  • Pass/Error
  • Columns number
  • Records number
  • Separator (when using auto both tabs and commas are tested)


data/tab.txt.gz     Pass    8   7   separator=<tab>
data/tab.txt        Pass    4   3   separator=<tab>
data/tab-multi.tsv  Pass    2   4   separator=<tab>
data/table.csv      Pass    3   3   separator=,
data/table.tsv      Pass    3   4   separator=<tab>
data/table2.tsv     Error
data/tablegz.tsv.gz Pass    3   4   separator=<tab>

:bulb: Multiline records are supported using double quotes, like:

#ID	   Description
R01    "this is       a cell with a tab inside!"
R02    "this is a
multi-line description"
R03    Last Record

Exit code

A single file is not a valid table will lead to non-zero exit status.