seqfu bases

Counts the number of A, C, G, T and Ns in FASTA and FASTQ files.


Introduced in SeqFu 1.15.1 as experimental feature

Calculates the composition of DNA sequences

Usage: bases [options] [<inputfile> ...]

Print the DNA bases, and %GC content, in the input files

  -c, --raw-counts       Print counts and not ratios
  -t, --thousands        Print thousands separator
  -a, --abspath          Print absolute path 
  -b, --basename         Print the basename of the file
  -n, --nice             Print terminal table
  -d, --digits INT       Number of digits to print [default: 2]
  -H, --header           Print header (auto enabled with --nice)
  -v, --verbose          Verbose output
  --debug                Debug output
  --help                 Show this help


The output is a table with the following columns (-H to print the header):

  1. Filename (-a for absolute path, -b for basename)
  2. Total bases (-t to add thousand separator)
  3. Ratio of A bases over total bases (-c to print raw counts)
  4. Ratio of C bases over total bases (-c to print raw counts)
  5. Ratio of G bases over total bases (-c to print raw counts)
  6. Ratio of T bases over total bases (-c to print raw counts)
  7. Ratio of N bases over total bases (-c to print raw counts)
  8. Ratio of Other characters (either IUPAC DNA or invalid chars) over total bases (-c to print raw counts)
  9. %GC ratio
  10. Ratio of Uppercase bases over total bases (if enabled by -u)


A simple example:

seqfu bases --header data/illumina_*

#Filename               Total   A       C       G       T       N       Other   %GC
data/illumina_1.fq.gz   630     18.57   18.57   18.57   18.57   18.57   0.00    59.21
data/illumina_2.fq.gz   630     21.43   21.43   21.43   21.43   21.43   0.00    60.48
data/illumina_nocomm.fq 630     18.57   18.57   18.57   18.57   18.57   0.00    59.21

when using -n the output is a nice table:

│ File                │ Bases │ A      │ C      │ G      │ T      │ N    │ Other │ %GC    │ Uppercase │
│ data/base_at.fa     │ 33    │ 42.42  │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 57.58  │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 0.00   │ 100.00    │
│ data/bases_lower.fa │ 15    │ 33.33  │ 26.67  │ 20.00  │ 13.33  │ 6.67 │ 0.00  │ 46.67  │ 0.00      │
│ data/base_c.fa      │ 5     │ 0.00   │ 100.00 │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 100.00 │ 0.00      │
│ data/base.fa        │ 2     │ 50.00  │ 50.00  │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 50.00  │ 100.00    │
│ data/upper-none.fa  │ 7     │ 42.86  │ 14.29  │ 28.57  │ 14.29  │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 42.86  │ 0.00      │
│ data/base_t.fa      │ 5     │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 100.00 │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 0.00   │ 0.00      │
│ data/base_a.fa      │ 5     │ 100.00 │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 0.00   │ 100.00    │
│ data/upper-lower.fa │ 10    │ 50.00  │ 50.00  │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 50.00  │ 50.00     │
│ data/base_g.fa      │ 1     │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 100.00 │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 100.00 │ 100.00    │
│ data/upper-only.fa  │ 9     │ 44.44  │ 11.11  │ 44.44  │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 55.56  │ 100.00    │
│ data/base_extra.fa  │ 20    │ 50.00  │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 50.00 │ 0.00   │ 100.00    │
│ data/base_cg.fa     │ 25    │ 0.00   │ 52.00  │ 48.00  │ 0.00   │ 0.00 │ 0.00  │ 100.00 │ 100.00    │