
A program to filter the output of assembly programs using the coverage information they print in the sequence names.

Extract contig by sequence length and coverage, if provided in the sequence name.

  fu-cov [options] [inputfile ...]

  [inputfile ...]

  -h, --help
  -v, --verbose              Print verbose messages
  -s, --sort                 Store contigs in memory, and sort them by descending coverage
  -c, --min-cov=MIN_COV      Minimum coverage (default: 0.0)
  -l, --min-len=MIN_LEN      Minimum length (default: 0)
  -x, --max-cov=MAX_COV      Maximum coverage (default: 0.0)
  -y, --max-len=MAX_LEN      Maximum length (default: 0)
  -t, --top=TOP              Print the first TOP sequences (passing filters) when using --sort (default: 10)


The FASTA output of an assembly program (currently tested with SPAdes, MegaHit, Unicycler, Shovill), as the length of the sequences is clearly checked from the FASTA file itself, while the coverage is found in the sequence description:

Example of contig name from Shovill:

>contig00001 len=596929 cov=9.9 corr=0 origname=NODE_1_length_596929_cov_9.873201_pilon sw=shovill-spades/1.0.4 date=20181128


A set of filtered contigs in FASTA file. Will print to STDERR a summary like:

1/1 sequences printed (1 with coverage info) from 1 files.
Skipped:          0 too short, 0 too long, then 0 low coverage, 0 high coverage, .
Average length:   180.00 bp, [180.0 - 180.0]
Average coverage: 9.90X, [9.9-9.9]