

Preliminary version

A program to check the integrity of Paired End FASTQ files.

usage: fu-pecheck [-h] [--for-tag FOR_TAG] [--rev-tag REV_TAG] [--verbose] [--version] DIR

Validate FASTQ files

positional arguments:
  DIR                Input directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --for-tag FOR_TAG  Tag to use for the forward reads output (default: _R1)
  --rev-tag REV_TAG  Tag to use for the forward reads output (default: _R2)
  --verbose          Verbose output
  --version          show program's version number and exit

This script runs fu-secheck twice and compare the results, and will print a five column table with the following columns:

  1. Sample basename
  2. Status (OK or ERR)
  3. Number of reads or "None" if the file is corrupt
  4. Name of the first read
  5. Name of the last read