
Install via Miniconda

The recommended installation method is via BioConda, which is supported from both Linux and macOS. If you have conda installed (how to install it):

# Ensure a recent version will be installed: 0.x is a very old and unsupported tool
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda "seqfu>1.10"

More info on installing conda.

:warning: It is possible to compile the program for Windows, but we cannot provide support for this platform at the moment.

Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled core binaries are distributed with the releases, as zip files containing all the tools, labeled as "Linux" and "Darwin" as they target Linux and macOS respectively. When possible, we recommend to install SeqFu via Miniconda (see above), as it provides the full set of tools.

Manual compilation

Linux and macOS

  1. If nim is not installed, install it (see instructions). We suggest - when available - the choosenim method

  2. Clone the repository (git clone

  3. Compile with nimble build, that will download the required packages

  4. The binaries will be available in the ./bin directory