This tool produce a coverage per feature report based on a target (annotation file in BED or GFF3 format) and the output of covtobed 1.0.
Note that while bamtocov produces an identical coverage output, it also includes the built-in feature to restrict the analysis to the target.
Help screen
covToTarget $version
Usage: covtotarget [options] <Target> [<covtobed-output>]
<Target> the BED (or GFF) file containing regions in which to count reads
<covtobed-output> covtobed output, or STDIN if not provided
-g, --gff Force GFF for input (otherwise autodetected by .gff extension)
-t, --type <feat> GFF feature type to parse [default: CDS]
-i, --id <ID> GFF identifier [default: ID]
-l, --norm-len Normalize by gene length
-b, --bed-output Output format is BED-like (default is feature_name [tab] counts)
-h, --help Show help
This program extends covtobed
, so it can be used in a stream:
covtobed input/mini.bam | covtotarget input/mini.bed > output/counts.tsv
Output format
A table of features and counts per feature:
target1_8X 699
target2_0X 0
target3_1X 50
for_rev_10Xa 690
for_rev_10Xb 0
for_rev_10Xc 0