
Counts feature across multiple samples producing a count matrix.

usage: feat-counts.py [-h] -t TARGET [-o OUTPUT] [--feat FEAT] [--id ID]
                      [--binary BINARY] [--verbose]
                      BAM [BAM ...]

Count reads in multiple BAM files using a target file (BED or GFF or GTF)

positional arguments:
  BAM                   BAM file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target file
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file
  --feat FEAT           Feature type [default: exon]
  --id ID               ID attribute [default: gene_id]
  --binary BINARY       Binary to bamtocounts [default: bamtocounts]
  --verbose             Verbose output


:warning: All the input files must be sorted and indexed.

Using the files in the repository it is possible to test the tool using a minimal dataset:

feat-counts.py -t input/regions.bed input/min{i,i2,i3}.bam 

Example output

By default the matrix is produced with four columns (BED coordinates and name) and then the counts for each sample. The sample name is the filename, removed the .bam extension.

Chr     Start   Stop    Name             mini3  mini2   mini
seq0    0       210     empty0_0         0      1       0
seq1    5       112     include_5        5      5       5
seq1    410     532     overlap_2        1      2       2
seq1    800     950     empty1_0         0      0       0
seq2    300     532     shared1_10       0      10      10
seq2    566     769     shared2_10       0      10      10