Memory usage

BamToCov is an extremely memory efficient tools, and the only one not using a vector (as long as the chromosome) to store the changes in coverage.


Memory usage (in bytes) has been measured for alignments against:

  • Candida parapsilosis, Illumina dataset
  • Candida parapsilosis, Nanopore dataset
  • Human exome HG00258, Illumina
  • Human targeted sequencing, 16 genes, Illumina
Fungus, Illumina Fungus, ONT HG00258 Exome Human panel
bamtocov 2,740 4,376 5,700 2,172
covtobed 4,080 5,008 6,588 4,052
mosdepth 13,952 19,140 1,983,928 6,425,744
megadepth 11,644 11,636 995,232 980,040
bedtools 12,940 14,876 n/a 1,951,288

For reference, this is the speed:

Command Mean (ms) Min (ms) Max (ms) Relative
bamtocov "panel_01.bam" 358.9 ± 18.3 341.6 387.9 1.00
covtobed "panel_01.bam" 533.2 ± 8.8 527.1 548.4 1.49 ± 0.08
megadepth --coverage "panel_01.bam" 9246.8 ± 1509.7 8026.7 11072.8 25.77 ± 4.41
mosdepthprefix "panel_01.bam" 53499.6 ± 875.1 52284.1 54548.5 149.08 ± 7.97



Evaluation of memory usage has been performed with memusg bu Jaeho Sigh, as reported below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# memusg -- Measure memory usage of processes
# Usage: memusg COMMAND [ARGS]...
# Author: Jaeho Shin <>
# Created: 2010-08-16
# Copyright 2010 Jaeho Shin.                                               #
#                                                                          #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  #
#                                                                          #
#                           #
#                                                                          #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      #
# limitations under the License.                                           #
set -um

# check input
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] || { sed -n '2,/^#$/ s/^# //p' <"$0"; exit 1; }

# TODO support more options: peak, footprint, sampling rate, etc.

pgid=$(ps -o pgid= $$)
# make sure we're in a separate process group
if [[ "$pgid" == "$(ps -o pgid= $(ps -o ppid= $$))" ]]; then
    set -- "$0" "$@"
    for a; do cmd+="'${a//"'"/"'\\''"}' "; done
    exec bash -i -c "$cmd"

# detect operating system and prepare measurement
case $(uname) in
    Darwin|*BSD) sizes() { /bin/ps -o rss= -g $1; } ;;
    Linux) sizes() { /bin/ps -o rss= -$1; } ;;
    *) echo "$(uname): unsupported operating system" >&2; exit 2 ;;

# monitor the memory usage in the background.
while sizes=$(sizes $pgid)
    set -- $sizes
    let peak="sample > peak ? sample : peak"
    sleep 0.1
echo "memusg: peak=$peak" >&2
) &

# run the given command
exec "$@"

To compare the memory usage of multiple tools:

echo MegaDepth:
memusg /local/miniconda3/envs/mega/bin/megadepth --coverage $1 > /dev/null
sleep 3; echo ""

echo BamToCov:
memusg bin/bamtocov $1 > /dev/null
sleep 3; echo ""

echo CovToBed:
memusg covtobed $1 > /dev/null
sleep 3; echo ""

echo Mosdepth:
memusg mosdepth /tmp/prefix $1
sleep 3; echo ""