Testing on long reads

Speed measures

The speed test is performed via hyperfine:

hyperfine \
  "bin/bamtocov $FILE" \
  "megadepth --coverage --longreads $FILE" \
  "mosdepth -x /tmp/x $FILE" \
  --max-runs 3 --export-markdown $FILE.md


Fungal dataset

The alignment of whole genome shotgun reads coming from a unicellular fungus sequences with MinION in our laboratory is available in the Zenodo dataset accompanying the paper.

wget -O cpara-ont.bam "https://zenodo.org/record/5636944/files/cpara-ont-noseq.bam?download=1"

Human sample

SRR13615770, from the study Cas9 targeted enrichment of mobile elements using nanopore sequencing is composed by 123,254 reads.

# Download reference
wget -O db/hg19.fa.gz http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.fa.masked.gz
# Download sample
curl -L ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR136/070/SRR13615770/SRR13615770_1.fastq.gz \
  -o SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.fastq.gz

# Select reads > 2500bp
seqfu cat -m 2500 SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.fastq.gz | gzip -c > SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.min2500.fastq.gz

# Map 
minimap2 -ax map-ont -t 4 db/hg19.fa.gz SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.min2500.fastq.gz | \
  samtools view -bS | samtools sort -o SRR13615770.bam -

Benchmark result

hyperfine \
  "bin/bamtocov $FILE" \
  "megadepth --coverage --longreads $FILE" \
  "mosdepth -x /tmp/x $FILE" \
  --max-runs 2 --export-markdown $FILE.md


  • SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1 (full sample)
Command Mean [s] Min [s] Max [s] Relative
bin/bamtocov SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.bam 32.357 ± 0.261 32.172 32.541 1.00
megadepth --coverage --longreads SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.bam 46.115 ± 0.954 45.440 46.789 1.43 ± 0.03
mosdepth -x /tmp/x SRR13615770_L1Hs_MinION_1.bam 92.359 ± 5.448 88.506 96.211 2.85 ± 0.17
  • SRR13615770_2500bp (size selection: > 2,500 bp)
Command Mean [s] Min [s] Max [s] Relative
bin/bamtocov SRR13615770.bam 29.113 ± 0.121 28.981 29.219 1.00
megadepth --coverage --longreads SRR13615770.bam 43.366 ± 0.327 42.994 43.607 1.49 ± 0.01
mosdepth -x /tmp/x SRR13615770.bam 86.483 ± 2.312 83.878 88.293 2.97 ± 0.08
  • Fungus LR
Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/bamtocov _test/cpara-ont-noseq.bam 310.5 ± 23.0 275.5 339.0 1.00
megadepth --coverage --longreads _test/cpara-ont-noseq.bam 557.4 ± 13.5 540.5 572.7 1.80 ± 0.14
mosdepth -x /tmp/x _test/cpara-ont-noseq.bam 792.5 ± 176.9 654.5 1092.7 2.55 ± 0.60