A program to build a count table from multiple BAM files (having the same reference sequence).
BamCountRefs 2.2.0
Usage: bamcountrefs [options] <BAM-or-CRAM>...
<BAM-or-CRAM> the alignment file for which to calculate depth
BAM/CRAM processing options:
-T, --threads <threads> BAM decompression threads [default: 0]
-r, --fasta <fasta> FASTA file for use with CRAM files [default: ].
-F, --flag <FLAG> Exclude reads with any of the bits in FLAG set [default: 1796]
-Q, --mapq <mapq> Mapping quality threshold [default: 0]
Annotation options:
-g, --gff Force GFF for input (otherwise autodetected by .gff extension)
-t, --type <feat> GFF feature type to parse [default: CDS]
-i, --id <ID> GFF identifier [default: ID]
-n, --rpkm Add a RPKM column
-l, --norm-len Add a counts/length column (after RPKM when both used)
Other options;
--tag STR First column name [default: ViralSequence]
--multiqc Print output as MultiQC table
--header Print header
--debug Enable diagnostics
-h, --help Show help
bin/bamcountrefs --tag "Chrom" input/mini.bam input/mini2.bam
Chrom mini mini2
seq0 0 1
seq1 15 15
seq2 10 10