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Command line arguments

Table of contents

  1. parseopt (standard library)
  2. docopt
  3. cligen

The standard library provides a basic library called parseopt to parse command line strings. There are several alternatives (easily installed via nimble), and here I’ll show two that can be interesting:

  • cligen, that converts your procedure’s expected parameters in the program’s documentation (useful for quick prototyping).
  • docopt, that allows you to write the documentation and will parse it to retreive the command line parameters you need (available also for Python and other programming languages, see

parseopt (standard library)

The standard library provides a very basic options parser: parseopt. It’s quite a basic library, so I’ll just place an example here. I personally consider the user interface (the command line interface, in this case) to be a critical aspect of your programs, so I would recommend using more sophisticated libraries, but being installed by default it’s worth knowing that it exists.

The main limitation of parseopt is that it only supports the --key=value syntax and not the --key valueone.

import parseopt
import os
from strutils import parseint

# Prints version
proc writeVersion() =
  echo getAppFilename().extractFilename(), "0.1.0"

# Print help and exit
proc writeHelp() =
  echo """

  -h, --help        : show help
  -v, --version     : show version
  -m, --message STR : Message
  -t, --times INT   : Repeat message INT times

proc cli() =
  # Directly accessing the app name and parameters
  echo "# Program name: ", getAppFilename().extractFilename()
  echo "# Number of Parameters: ", paramCount()

  # Print all the parameters by index
  for paramIndex in 1 .. paramCount():    
    echo "# Raw param: ", paramIndex, ": ", paramStr(paramIndex)

  echo "---"

    argCtr : int
    message: string
    times = 1
    i = 0

  # Loop trough all arguments
  for kind, key, value in getOpt():
    case kind

    # Positional arguments
    of cmdArgument:
      echo "# Positional argument ", argCtr, ": \"", key, "\""

    # Switches
    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
      case key
      of "v", "version":
      of "h", "help":
      of "m", "message":
        message = value
      of "t", "times":
        times = parseInt(value)
        echo "Unknown option: ", key

    of cmdEnd:

  if len(message) == 0:
    echo "No message specified :("

  while i < times:
    echo message
    i += 1

when isMainModule:


If you never used a docopt inspired library (yes, there’s a Python docopt too), I recommend you have a look at their brilliant introductory video first. The documentation is available at their GitHub repository and of course you first need to install the library with nimble install docopt being a non standard library.

Reading the documentation is the best way to have a look at all the features, and here I report a simple example:

import  docopt
const doc = """
CoolSeq - a program to do things

  args_docopt status
  args_docopt list
  args_docopt analyse <directory> <database> [-o|--output=<outputFile>]

  status                      Check API Status
  list                        Check Result List
  convert                     Upload Images, convert to PDF and download result.pdf
  <directory>                 Specify directory with input files
  <database>                  Reference database
  -o, --output=<outputFile>   Output filename [default: result.bam]

proc main() =
  # This is needed to parse the docstring into the "args" object
  let args = docopt(doc, version = "1.0")

  if args["status"]:
    echo "So you want to know the status! OK!"
  if args["list"]:
    echo "This is the list... finished!"
  if args["analyse"]:
    echo "CONVERTING:"
    echo "Directory: ", $args["<directory>"]
    echo "Reference: ", $args["<database>"]
    echo "Output:    ", $args["--output"] # note the default!

when isMainModule:


While docopt let you write the documentation and will take care of parsing the command line arguments accordingly, cligen does the opposite: you code the required parameters and will dispatch the documentation for the user. It will automatically include a --help switch for you, and unlike parseopt will also recognize --db name (without the equal sign). Also cligen requires installation via nimble install cligen.

import strutils, os

proc compareQueryWithDb(query, db: string, kmer = 8, complement = false) =
  let progName = split(getAppFilename(), "/")[getAppFileName().count("/")]

  if query != "" and db != "":
    echo "Query: ", query
    echo "Database: ", db
    echo "K-mer size: ", kmer
    echo "Complement: ", complement
    echo "ERROR\n", progName, " needs query and target filenames..."

when isMainModule: import cligen;dispatch(compareQueryWithDb)