Andrea Telatin
Andrea Telatin Senior bioinformatician at the Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich.

Taxonomy placement of viral OTUs

Taxonomy placement of viral OTUs

vConTACT2 is a tool to infer the taxonomic relationship of viral sequences with a network-based approach, based on whole genome gene-sharing profiles.

To make use of its output there is a tool called graphanalyzer, and its repository comes with a tutorial.

The programme

  • :zero: EBAME-22 notes: EBAME-7 specific notes
  • :one: Gathering the reads: downloading and subsampling reads from public repositories (optional)
  • :two: Gathering the tools: we will use Miniconda to manage our dependencies
  • :three: Reads by reads profiling: using Phanta to quickly profile the bacterial and viral components of a microbial community
  • :four: De novo mining: assembly based approach, using VirSorter as an example miner
  • :five: Viral taxonomy: ab initio taxonomy profiling using vConTACT2
  • :six: MetaPhage overview: what is MetaPhage, a reads to report pipeline for viral metagenomics

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