Andrea Telatin
Andrea Telatin Senior bioinformatician at the Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich.

Generating Krona plots from Kraken data


Krona is a tool to generate interactive HTML plots of hierarchical data. Before importing metagenomics data, its useful to try the tool with a minimal example.

Installing Krona

As usual we can use conda to install Krona:

conda install -c bioconda krona

The only difference is that - if we pay attention to the installation messages - we need to type an extra command at the end to download the taxonomy database (this requires an Internet connection):


Generating a first Krona plot

We can create a minimal tsv file to test how Krona works creating a syntetic TSV file with (at least) two columns: counts and NCBI TaxonomyID.

now we can generate a first plot with:

ktImportTaxonomy -m 1 -o krona-test.html input.tsv 

By default, the column where to take the taxonomy is the second, while we specify the “magnitude” with -m 1, as we used the first column to store the raw counts.

:mag: The output is available here

Generating the Krona plot from Kraken or Bracken reports

If we examine out minimal file we had two relevant columns:

  • counts (-m)
  • NCBI Taxonomy ID (-t)

In a Kraken report, these are in columns 3 and 5, respectively:

ktImportTaxonomy -t 5 -m 3 -o krona.html 

Krona can also work on multiple samples:

ktImportTaxonomy -t 5 -m 3 -o multi-krona.html *.report 

:bulb: Kraken keep track of the unclassified reads, while we loose this datum with Bracken.


Ondov, B.D., Bergman, N.H. & Phillippy, A.M. Interactive metagenomic visualization in a Web browser. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 385 (2011).